Empathy, Empathy, and more Empathy

In order to be a great Governor, or father, or anything, you need to employ a ridiculous amount of empathy. I don't care how smart you think you are, it's about understanding what makes people tick and becoming acutely aware of human emotions and nuances.

People always ask me, what's my best trait? The answer is that I listen and I seek to understand. Every employee and person in your life has different wants and needs. It's about understanding those wants and needs and making sure your organization provides them with the ability to respond to those needs and desires.

A lot of the rules for business can be applied to your personal life. And vice versa. BE A GOOD LISTENER. Assume good intent. And make sure, you're focused on the other person. One of my favorites is, 'To be interesting, be interested.'

People love talking about themselves. So let them.

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

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